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糕體: 無糖可可粉15克+黑巧克力50克+低筋麵粉85克+泡打粉4克+雞蛋1個+適量蜂蜜+菜籽油3小勺(代替黃油)+適量白糖

TOPPING裝飾: 抹茶粉5克+適量牛奶

烤箱預熱170°中層上下火10分鐘(根據自家烤箱設定溫度)→將所有粉類混合后過篩→把雞蛋+蜂蜜+菜籽油墊熱水盆上手動攪勻(水溫大概60度就可以了,太高溫的話會變熟)→移走熱水盆,用電動打蛋器高速進行打發至蛋液發白,拎起打蛋頭畫8字不會消失或消失緩慢即可→分三次加入混合過篩好的所有粉類和融化的巧克力(一邊轉動打蛋盆一邊攪拌)→至無顆粒后裝進杯子蛋糕的模具→170° 烤20~25分鐘就完成了.


P.S: 喜歡吃甜的就用甜巧克力

Today's recipe: No butter chocolate cupcakes (topped with matcha milk foam)

Cupcakes: pure cocoa powder 15g+dark chocolate 50g+low-gluten flour 85g+baking powder 4g+1 egg+appropriate amount of honey+rapeseed oil 3 little spoons (instead of butter)+appropriate amount of sugar

Topping: matcha power 5g+ amount of milk

Preheat the oven to 170 °C for 10 minutes (different ovens have different settings).→Mix all the powders and sift.→Put egg,honey and rapeseed oil in a big bowl, put it upon a  bigger container with warm water inside, put on the minimum level of electric mixer to stir it for 1 minute. (It's bad if the temperature is over 60°C.)→Remove the bigger container and use an electric mixer to whisk the egg whites into peaks with the sugar (high speed required).→Melt the chocolate and then put the sifted flour into the bowl in three times (rotating the bowl while stirring).→Put into the cup cake mold after stirring until no particles.→ 20~25 minutes at 170 °C.

Stir matcha powder with milk and put into the milk foam machine.

P.S: You can use the sweet chocolate if you like.


오늘의 레시피: 버터없는 초콜릿 컵케이크+말차 밀크 거품

컵케이크: 순한 코코아 가루 15g+다크 초콜릿 50g+박력분 밀가루85g+베이킹파우더 4g+달걀 1개+적당량의 꿀+유채씨유 3작은 숟가락(버터 대신)+적당량의 설탕

오븐은 170°C로 10분간  예열한다.(오븐 따라 세팅은 다르기 때문에 잘 조절하세요.)→모든 가루를 섞어준 다음에 체에 쳐서 덩어리가 없도록 한다.→큰 컨테이너(따뜻한 물이 있음)에 위에 볼을 놓고 꿀과 풀어준 달걀을 넣고 핸드 믹서 거품기로 고운 크림 상태가 될 때까지 휘핑한다.(물의 온도는 60도에 넘지 마세요.)→큰 컨테이너를 빼고 중탄으로 녹인 다크커버처초콜릿을 넣고 핸드믹서 거품기로 가장 약한 단계에서 30초간 휘핑하고 체에 친 가루를 내려넣고, 실리콘 주걱으로 가루가 보이지 않을 때까지 가볍게 섞는다.→반죽을 짤주머니에 넣고 머핀컵에 80%정도 남아주고 미리 170°C로 예열한 오븐에 20~25분간 구운 후 식힘망에 얹어 식힌다.

말차가루와 우유를 섞어서 거품기에 넣으면 말차 우유 거품을 완성된다.

P.S: 단맛이 좋아하면 단 초콜릿을 이용하셔도 된다.


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Pizza Board: 唯Nature (NO.2915757) from TAOBAO.COM

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