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需蒸熟的食材: 南瓜500g、西蘭花500g、薏仁米15g、毛豆1把、山藥1條

需準備的堅果: 亞麻籽(需炒熟)10g、奇雅籽10g、生腰果10顆

需製作的調味料: 芝麻油3勺、有機蘋果醋1勺、胡椒粉少許、鹽少許

  1.  薏仁米需在製作沙拉最少3小時前浸泡. 南瓜去皮洗淨切塊,西蘭花洗淨,山藥洗淨切3段,毛豆洗淨然後將上述材料全部隔水蒸.

  2. 亞麻籽無油乾炒一下,混合所有堅果然後準備沙律醬.

  3. 裝盤后撒上堅果和沙律醬汁即可.


Today's recipe: pumpkin broccoli nuts salad with Chinese yam


Ingredients:500g pumpkin  、 500g broccoli、appropriate amount of edamame、1 Chinese yam

Nuts:  10g flaxseed、10g chia seeds、10 raw cashew nuts 、15g pearl barley


Ingredients for dressing: 3 tablespoons sesame oil 、1 tablespoon organic apple vinegar 、dash ofpepper、salt


1.Soak the pearl barleys at least 3 hours before making the salad.  Peel and wash the pumpkin. Washand cut thebroccoli Chinese yam. Wash the edamame and put all the ingredients into a big bowl to steam. 

2. Fry the flaxseeds a bit withoutoil. Put all the nuts together and then make the dressing.

3. Put the ingredients on a plateand then pour the mixed nuts and dressing.



오늘의 레시피: 단호박브로콜리 견과샐러드와마

재료준비: 단호박500g 、브로콜리500g 、적당량의에다마메、마 1개

견과 : 아마씨 10g  、치아씨드 10g 、생캐슈넛 10알、율무 15g

드레싱: 참기름 3큰술、유기농사과식초 1큰술、후추가루、소금야간  

  1. 샐러드를 만들기전에 물에서 율무를 빨아들여준다(최소 3시간이상). 단호박은 껍질을 벗겨 한 입 크기로 썰고 깨끗이 씻어 준다. 마는 깨끗이씻은 뒤 썬다. 에다마메는 씻은 뒤 큰볼에 모든재료를 놓고 스팀한다.

  2. 오일 없이 팬에서 아마씨를 볶어 준다. 다른 견과를 준비하고 드레싱을 만든다.

  3. 그릇에 모든재료를 담고 견과를 올린 후 그레싱을 뿌린다.


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White plate: IKEA

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